A holistic and emotionally integrated journey for the woman who is ready to change her self concept so that she can manifest anything she truly desires.

There is a version of you who already embodies everything you've ever desired. It is time to step into her and make your dreams reality.


  • You have a big vision that others sometimes see as 'impossible' or 'unrealistic' - and you want to make it happen. Whether it is an epic love story, the manifestation of your dream business / career or a life of adventure and freedom ... The bigness of your desires can feel like a bit much sometimes and you may not always know how to get there ... but the calling is in your heart and you know it won't go away until you listen.

  • Deep down, you've always known you are worthy of the life you want - and you want to feel it deeply, too. You know there's nothing wrong with you. You know you are worthy of living the life you are dreaming of. You know it intellectually and conceptually. Now you want to get all of you onboard with this belief - to get really embodied in your self worth.

  • You crave consistency and sustainability in your state of being. You have no interest in constantly going back and forth between different states of consciousness. The idea of constantly having to micromanage your state feels exhausting to you. You don't want to flip-flop back and forth or doubt yourself - but believe. all. the. way. Instead of quick wins and instant manifestations, you want long-lasting results and to be fully embodied in your state!     

  • Rather than letting your circumstances have power over you ... you want to take your power back! You are a powerful creator who is ready to take responsibility for the reality she's designing instead of living from unconscious patterns and belief systems. Letting circumstances define you or have power over you is not for you - you want to create your life on your own terms.

  • Feeling deeply is a gift - and you get to turn your deepest emotions into your power. You are a heart-centred woman and you feel, love and desire deeply. It is time to take control over your state of being and learn to master your emotions. You get that emotional mastery is not about bypassing anything that is present. Instead, you want to learn to transmute and alchemise your emotions into your greatest superpower.     
  • You want to trust the process, the divine and yourself so deeply. You've tried controlling and micromanaging your circumstances. You've tried resisting what is - and it hasn't worked. Now, you want to learn to surrender without fear - because you know on the other side of this lies limitless freedom, love and abundance.  

  • Within you is a version of you who is in full integrity with her highest self and her deepest desires - she's aligned, authentic and embodied. She's peaceful and at ease. She's less reactive, more trusting and fully in her power. She knows herself deeply - on every level. You can already tell that she's a part of you. Now you are ready to actually become her and live from that version instead of any limiting self perceptions you've lived by in the past. Life-altering transformation is the vibe!

Meet your mentor, Lorena Schuth. 

For the longest time, I was playing small and living a life that wasn't true to myself or my desires. I had all these big dreams, like an earth-shattering love story, a life of full and rich beautiful experiences, and abundance, success and financial freedom. Yet, I felt like I couldn't make any of them happen.

It felt like I was living someone else's life. I felt it in my bones that more was meant for me, and yet I felt so blocked. I was searching for solutions in all the wrong places: I looked for validation of my worth in romantic relationships and academic success. I tried to change my appearance and developed an unhealthy relationship with food because I believed that if my external self changed, I might finally be happy and receive all the things I so deeply desired. Lastly, I embarked on a spiritual journey, but even that was just to fill a void. I found spiritual practices and conscious manifestation and distracted myself from the reality I did not want to face. Manifestation became a pursuit of control - an ego-trip and a mind-management tool that induced more anxiety and frustration than freedom. I was stuck in the same old pattern.

One day, I'd had enough. My life had become inauthentic to who I really was and I knew something had to change. Instead of running from the truth and resisting what was, I started looking within. I embarked on a journey of self love and healing. I worked with various mentors and did deep subconscious work, truly learning to know and love my darkest shadows. I dove into embodiment and somatic work, realising how focusing on mindset rather than approaching my state of being holistically had not supported me. I took radical responsibility for my past behaviours and beliefs and started creating a new future - and I did not look back.

Slowly but surely, my reality started shifting: I found my soul purpose and created a business that suddenly took off. My heart opened back up to love and I finally started receiving it fully. Beautiful experiences and relationships entered my life.

Finally, it lasted. Finally, I knew: This was only the beginning. Finally, I realised: It was never about the perfect mindset or receiving my desires. It had always been about stepping into my fullest expression and transforming into this new version of myself.

 Your future self is already within you.

Your desires are accessible to you right now. 

Manifesting your dreams will become easeful when you've done the inner work to remove, heal and integrate all the layers of your consciousness that are not aligned with the next version of you.

Recreate Your Self

 The intimate 12-week coaching program to transform your self concept and manifest more love, abundance and ease into your life.

The reality of your dreams can become your everyday life once you learn to step into a new identity. Instead of seeing self concept work as a means to an end, in RYS you will be the focus. Full stop. In this container, you will receive my unique method to shift you from caterpillar to butterfly - to experience a transformation that lasts. Manifesting your deepest desires will become a beautiful side effect of the deep inner work you are doing, through a holistic and emotionally integrated approach that incorporates body, mind, heart and spirit. The majority of women who complete this program come out of it with powerful, often unexpected, manifestations. But more than that: They successfully shift their state of being, continue to sustain it and have a completely new relationship with themselves, their reality and the people around them. Their lives change because they change.

This program is not a quick fix. This is your rebirth. It is a sustainable solution to changing your self concept. You will learn the exact tools and method that will stay with you for the rest of your life to continually step into further and further versions of yourself - long after the container ends.

Your next level self is closer than you think. Make sure you take the steps to embody her.


Inside Recreate Your Self, you will:

  • Receive life-time access to my unique 6-phase method for changing your self concept. Instead of seeking for more answers or consuming more self-development content, you will know exactly how to go through the process yourself. Whilst you are supported by me as your mentor every step of the way, the program is designed for you to become self-led and self-empowered, so that you can fully embody a new version of yourself and continue the journey of your continuous evolution.

  • Gain the tools and awareness to manifest a reality you once didn't even dare to dream of. From this place, miracles are not impossible anymore - they are your everyday reality. You are going to build such a strong relationship with your subconscious and your imagination that you'll see possibilities everywhere. In RYS, you will create a clear vision for the future - and learn to make it happen.

  • Get to fall deeply in love with yourself and your life. You will leave this container feeling fully embodied and proud of who you are. You will feel worthy and fulfilled. You will have stopped settling and started living like you are meant to.
  • Release the patterns and beliefs of the past and open up to a new future. Instead of being in states of waiting, wishing or hoping, you will get to claim, choose and receive. Your past will not have a hold on you anymore - you get to design your future from your new identity.

  • Tap into all the states you wish to experience and learn how to sustain them long-term. Through this embodiment, circumstances will not bother you anymore and surrender will not feel like giving up. You will learn to trust and love yourself so deeply, so that you know exactly what to do to manifest your next desires.

  • Learn how to alchemise and transmute your most challenging emotions into your power ... without needing to manage your every thought or mood. You will be free to be human, embrace duality and feel what you need to feel, all whilst manifesting the life of your dreams.

The Recreate Your Self Method

Phase 01: Ego Integration + Vision Creation

In order to change your state, you first need to get clear on where you currently are. In this first phase, you'll get crystal clear on your current state of being, your ego triggers and reactions. This is the beginning to uncovering the radical truth of your current situation so that we can begin to change it. Here, you will also create a powerful and detailed vision for your future. This phase serves as the foundation for your self concept transformation and provides you with plenty of practical tools to release illusions that you've been holding on to and create a new identity and reality.

Phase 02: Body-Based Surrender, Alchemy + Expansion

The biggest obstacle to transformation is often resistance. After having gained awareness on your current reality and clarity on your goals and vision, this phase of the process will teach you to release all resistance to your current state and circumstances and surrender to the future you desire to experience. You will learn how to treat, regulate and release challenging emotions, so you can get to a place of deep trust and faith in yourself and the unfolding of your life. This is also where we will work on expanding your nervous system to be ready and able to hold the reality you wish to experience.

Phase 03: Healing, Release + Integration

Stepping into a new identity and a different self concept and embodiment is often so hard because of all the past conditioning, experiences and programming you can be holding on to. Therefore, we dedicate Phase 3 to healing, transmuting and releasing the past, including any fears and deep-rooted emotions and assumptions that are making you re-create old experiences over and over again. In this phase, you will meet, face and integrate your shadows (the beliefs, fears and emotions in your unconscious mind that you project into your reality without your awareness), so you can return to your natural state of wholeness. This is where you will be introduced to my shadow integration framework and receive various somatic practices that will support you in making peace with and releasing your past.

Phase 04: Embodied Self Love + Radical Acceptance

After all this deep healing and integration, Phase 4 teaches you radical self compassion, so you can fall in love with all of you. You will learn how to love yourself deeply and wholly through body, mind and spirit. You will also learn how to meet your own needs, validate yourself and hold yourself through the good and the bad that life has to offer. In this phase, you will experience the meaning of self love through a new lens and an embodied approach, where you will meet and learn to love all parts of yourself. This part of the process serves as the basis for creating a new self concept and an awe-inspiring reality from a place of integrity, self-confidence, worthiness and deep internal fulfilment.

Phase 05: Self Concept Embodiment + Belief Reprogramming

It is time to step into your new self! This is a really important, beautiful and powerful phase where you'll receive exclusive access to my RYS Self Concept Triangle Framework as well as a plethora of practices to change deep-rooted beliefs and reprogram old, subconscious identities to shift them into the new. You will learn how to change core beliefs about yourself, step into your innate worthiness and embody the highest version of yourself. You will learn the art of receiving and get to know how to create fulfilling relationships and act and respond from a state of embodied love. You will see how your reality and the people in it reflect your self concept and how you can use this to your advantage. Here you will release your insecurities, turn your perceived weaknesses into strengths and rebirth yourself into the version of you you always desired to be.

Phase 06: Empowered Imagination + Conscious Manifestation

From your new identity and state of being, this phase will connect the vision you created for your future with the new identity you've embodied. In this Phase, you will learn how to shift from victim consciousness to the consciousness of the powerful creator that resides deep within you. You will get to understand how to use your imagination consciously, embody new states of being and live in the reality of your deepest desires. This Phase is all about abundance and creation, baby! You will meet the limitless possibilities that exist for you and learn to release the outside world and step into the quantum field. In this Phase, you will also receive the tools to integrate the learnings, build trust and faith, and persist through adversity, so you will never feel like you are at the mercy of your circumstances again.


When you join Recreate Your Self you will receive:

Weekly Coaching Calls

For our 12 weeks together, you will be coached by me directly during 11 weekly live coaching calls. You will have 3x somatic 1:1 sessions and 8 calls in an intimate group container. On top of that, you will also have 1 opening ceremony to kick us off and 1 closing ceremony to finish the container.

The coaching calls calls are not masterclasses where I am simply teaching at you, but your opportunity to be coached by me directly. Intimacy is one of my highest values and it is important for me that you are fully seen, heard and supported.

If you are fully present and engaged for each call, you will get the most out of this experience. Each call on its own will already shift you into a different version of yourself ... imagine this on a weekly basis!

Online Learning Portal

Once a week, you will receive new video lessons, assignments, practices, meditations and more. You will have lifetime access to all the teachings and practices, including every update and upgrade that will ever be made. I constantly add onto the content in the online learning portal to ensure you receive the most powerful transformation possible and so that your evolution continues on, well after RYS ends. The content in the online learning portal is based on my unique method and follows a strategic process. It contains everything you need to know and practice in order to rebirth yourself into a new you.

Communication Channel

I don't want you to have to wait until a call to have your questions answered. That's why you will have access to an exclusive communications channel for the duration of the program. Whether you want to share your process, be witnessed in your transformation or challenges, be seen in what is going on for you, share your successes and desires, have a question answered, need to get something off your chest or need guidance ... I am here for you in-between your calls. You are so held, guided and supported throughout your entire journey.

Community + Sisterhood

You are not alone on this journey. Throughout your transformation and evolution, you will have other women by your side who are moving through RYS at the same time as you. Being witnessed in your process is extremely powerful for your growth. You'll get to inspire each other and learn from each other's journeys. I am deliberately selective with who I let into the program because I want all of you to be fully aligned with one another, so that you feel safe in each other's presence. This way, you get to grow and transform even more powerfully together than you would be able to on your own. Some of the connections that have emerged out of previous RYS intakes have even blossomed into life-long friendships!

You will also receive:


  • BONUS 1 - Exclusive expert masterclass: Lucid dreaming for manifestation, by a world-renowned lucid dreaming and living coach. Want to manifest your desires in your sleep? You absolutely can! In this exclusive masterclass, you will learn how to lucid dream, activate your imagination and manifest while you sleep.

  • BONUS 2 - Exclusive guided tantric self-pleasure practice, by a certified Pleasure & Sexual Empowerment Coach. Being able to call in your deepest desires requires you to stretch your nervous system's capacity to feel, embrace and tolerate the most intense pleasure. In this exclusive tantric Pleasure Meditation and Self-Pleasure Practice, you will learn to open up, surrender and let your entire system receive the thing you've been longing for the most.

  • BONUS 3 - Exclusive expert guest workshop: Strengthening your nervous system for your expansion into your new self. With your new vision, your nervous system will need to be able to hold your new self and your new reality. An expert guest teacher will deliver a powerful workshop that supports you in moving through challenging circumstances. You will learn to strengthen and expand your nervous system to get you ready for your new self concept and your new reality!
  • BONUS 4 - Bonus workshops, trainings and practices. I always like giving more than you expect ... So I am continually adding new bonus teachings, workshops, meditations, breathwork journeys, somatic practices and additional tools to this program, so that you can integrate everything you learn at even deeper levels.



*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Recreate Your Self™, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrolment.

Beverley H.

I’ve moved from being a victim, to realising that I’m in control of my life. I’ve seen that by taking responsibility and being honest with myself I’ve taken back my power. I’m falling in love with myself and finally realising my true worth. I no longer feel like I need to try and control situations, and that the only thing I need to focus my energy on is me.

I could have come up with so many excuses for why it wasn’t the right time for me to do the program, but something inside me knew that it was. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with Lorena. I’ve felt so safe and so held. RYS gave me the space to be free and open, without the fear of being judged. Lorena is so supportive, but she’s not afraid to give a bit of tough love when you need it. I’ve cried and I’ve laughed, but I came out of every call feeling like a weight had been lifted.

RYS isn’t for the faint hearted, you need to be prepared to dig deep, to face things that you’ve blocked in the past, and to be completely honest with yourself. But, wow, that hard work is worth it. I’ve come out of this twelve weeks with a completely different mindset, knowing that I’m in control of life and trusting that everything is happening just as it’s meant to.

Avantika J.

Anyone thinking of going for this course, DO IT! I thought I had a healthy self-concept but if you are wanting to hit those big goals and reprogram your subconscious mind then this course is really life changing, offering sustainable results in the long term.
Before RYS I actually thought I had a healthy self-concept as I had done a large amount of coaching before. So I was not sure if RYS was really for me but for some reason Lorena’s videos and instagram posts really resonated with what I was trying to achieve next in my life. This also got confirmed in the discovery call with Lorena where I had a strong intuitive feeling that this is the right coaching for me.
The course is excellent, very well structured with heaps of content. You get a lot for what you pay for and the weekly calls with Lorena were exactly what I needed to do the deep healing through somatic work. Lorena is a great coach!
Anyone thinking of going for this course, DO IT! I thought I had a healthy self-concept but if you are wanting to hit those big goals and reprogram your subconscious mind then this course is really life changing offering sustainable results in the long term.

Jenn O.

Before I knew it, changes were happening quickly. My ability to let go and trust in myself opened the door to people and situations entering my world in a way that I couldn’t have imagined. Letting go of the need to control this allowed these instances to find me at the exact right time. This was a program in uncovering who you really are, and loving them. I can't unlearn the worth I feel or the love I feel for all the parts of myself.

Before starting this program, I had difficulty holding boundaries or speaking up for what was best for me. Patterns were repeating in my personal and professional life, and were becoming frustrating. While I had read and absorbed a lot of knowledge on my own, I just couldn’t seem to put it into practice in a consistent, meaningful way. One day, towards the end of the program, I realized that things had changed. I reached a point where I recognized that I had changed internally-I felt more confident, calm and grounded in myself- but couldn't pinpoint exactly when that change had happened. Because each week is built upon the next, I was slowly taking away the old armor, the bad habits, the critical self-talk, until I was left with the real me. Lorena was able to hold space for me and allow me to express my feelings in a positive and productive way. I felt safe to say what I was going through and encouraged to keep going. I valued having someone push back against my own limiting beliefs, even when I couldn’t see them for myself. I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned and excited to see where I’ll go from here!

Alexa S.

"In working on myself, in working with Lorena, I really found that magic key that changed EVERYTHING. That changed SO much for me, that made SO many things possible, that 3 months ago I really thought and deeply believed are impossible for me …"


Jessica K.

"Lorena can reflect back to you different perceptions and really help challenge those deep conditioned beliefs. This is something that I really value and will be forever grateful for because now I actually can hold a different vision for myself. I can feel into what that vision is, not just in terms of my mind and the stories I say, but also how I feel and carry myself into the world. I truly believe now that I have the foundation that I need to accept myself, love myself and create the life of my dreams."


Amy J.

"The difference between who I was when I started and who I was when I finished are worlds apart. (...) The internal transformation that has happened has been so profound for me. I've uncovered things that I didn't even know were there. (...) In terms of physical manifestations, lots and lots has happened: My credit score went from fair to excellent, (...) I got two really high-paying new clients, I moved in with my partner throughout as well. (...) It has been completely life-changing."


Katie W.

I had already worked with coaches, therapists, and done a lot of self-improvement work, but I had never experienced the safety of a container like RYS. It far surpassed the other things I had done.
I had been thinking about working with Lorena for over a year before finally deciding to go for it and I'm so glad I did! I had already worked with coaches, therapists, and done a lot of self-improvement work, but I had never experienced the safety of a container like RYS. It far surpassed the other things I had done because Lorena is exceptional at being able to witness and hold space for you. I felt truly seen and supported, which I had not felt before. She is wise and insightful, and gently leads you forward. I now feel a deeper sense of trust in myself (which is huge for me after years of trauma!), an imperturbability no matter what happens, and the braveness to claim my desires and go for them... as well as handle the resistance that comes up from doing so. While working with Lorena, I had some big manifestations come through too: a huge salary raise (an additional $70k per year) and committment in a relationship that I had been anxious about for months. I'm so thankful for Lorena and RYS!

Diana A.

One day I realized I had changed. I was no longer the same woman that started the program. I now feel a lot more confident, more certain, less afraid, more stable, more powerful, more loving towards myself and everyone and everything else in my life. Lorena has an amazing program that looks at all parts of you so that you can become a more authentic, better version of yourself. I am honestly not exactly sure how it happens, because the changes are very subtle, but you suddenly transform into this new version of yourself.

Let me begin by saying that I always felt drawn to Lorena for some reason. The program was intense at times, but Lorena is such an amazing coach. So nurturing and loving, yet knows how to push you when you need to be pushed. She’s always available to you, even after hours, which shows, at least to me, how committed she really is to her work. I started being honest with myself, even though it was hard, and I faced my deepest fears. But I always felt supported throughout my journey. By being radically honest with myself, I found the shadow that was “blocking” my desire to be with my specific person. It was SO liberating to finally find the reason, because I always knew, I was blocking it somehow, but I just couldn’t figure out what it was. But sometime during your spiritual journey you realize that it really is ALL you, and if you keep running from yourself, nothing is ever going to change. I can feel Lorena’s passion and heart into this program. No wonder it works so well. As for me, I feel a lot more confident in manifesting the life of my dreams now and know that everything, absolutely everything is possible.

Gabriela S.

Upon completion of the program I had seen important shifts and manifestations come to fruition even despite adverse circumstances - including a trip to my home country after several years away from home due to strict COVID-19 regulations still in place. This program is undoubtedly a great investment and it is a journey I would embark over and over again. 
Lorena’s coaching was incredibly transformational. Thanks to her guidance, I have developed greater self-awareness to understand the source of my needs, my desires, my emotions, and my shadows - and the program and its practices have enabled me to meet all of these with curiosity, self-love, empowerment and compassion. The structure of the program and all of the different practices have also helped me release a lot of the tension and blockages I had been holding onto (mentally but more specifically physically), thus allowing me to hold space to receive my desires. Following this program I have developed greater trust and faith in myself and I have let go of the need to control my thoughts, my emotions, the outside circumstances as well as the pressure to constantly do things perfectly. I will always be grateful to Lorena for her encouragement and support!

Maya M.

Lorena is different from other mentors/coaches in the spiritual and self help field in that she doesn’t offer quick fixes, or ways to grab your money, but offers a holistic and profound healing journey that allows you to integrate deeper layers of yourself, all the whilst manifesting the life you dream of and deserve. She creates a safe space for women from all ages, and backgrounds, allowing us to root for each other in a world that seemingly does the opposite. Investing in RYS has definitely been one of the best experiences of my life, and I would a 100% recommend it to anybody who is questioning this leap forward. Your life will transform for the better!
I originally decided to work with Lorena as I felt an intuitive pull towards her and her programme. Even though the investment was scary, it paid off and was a 100% worth it! Lorena held such a safe space for me during our coaching sessions, and brings such an abundant and beautiful energy to the group calls and overall process of RYS. She is somebody who truly embodies her teachings and the true meaning of spirituality and self-help.

Before starting the programme, I had experience in the healing field for around 2-3 years and had made significant progress by myself, however I still had core wounds relating to my self-worth and safety, which manifested in my external relationships, work and health issues. Lorena listened, guided and worked with me to heal this inner wounding, including somatic practices and sometimes just a place for me to rant. At the beginning of the programme, I was insecure, afraid, and constantly wondering who I was, or what my purpose was in the world. Afterwards, not only did I feel more confident and abundant, but had manifested new relationships, profound peace, life guidance, and tools to work through my anger and anxiety, safely! Before, I felt so afraid to work through certain aspects of my psyche, especially to my anger towards the world and trauma I had experienced as a young girl, and Lorena helped me see how I was projecting this all onto others, and myself.

Bridget A.

It truly is remarkable how I came into RYS unsure about myself and afraid of change, to becoming so confident in my frame and loving the new reality I find myself in. I respond and act differently and people have even said that I speak with more confidence now. It is incredible that Lorena was able to guide me through so much internal work in such a short time. I am reaping the benefits everyday and would not be at this point in my journey without RYS. 

Recreate Your Self changed my entire self-concept and reality. I went into RYS determined to get results, but I got so much more than I asked for. I integrated my shadow and parts of me that I didn’t know were holding me back. It was like going back in time to the very moments where I first embodied those negative beliefs.

With Lorena’s expert guidance, I was able to go back to my childhood self and listen to what she wanted and needed healed. Something shifted inside of me and it was like I became magnetic in my reality. But this was just the beginning and through Lorena’s amazing coaching, I learned how to embody these beliefs and walk in a new self-concept.

Lorena is an incredible coach who truly cares about her client’s desires and wants them to realize all that life has to offer for them. It’s a journey of self-discovery and things hidden deep within the subconscious, but the results, and who we are able to become, are always worth it.

Andrea F.

I found Lorena and truly resonated with her work and what she was saying. I was trying so incredibly hard to change my self concept solely through mindless affirming and was always getting frustrated when nothing was sticking. Lorena's approach is entirely different and is what the manifestation community truly needs more of. Because it's all about changing your entire state of being which means you need to get out of your head and into your body - something I was severely lacking.

Before starting this program, I had been working with a few different coaches for a year and had purchased countless manifestation courses. My health symptoms had progressively gotten worse and I was overwhelmed with techniques and manifestation content that kept me going in circles. I found myself continuously searching for something outside of me to "fix me." I had difficulty sitting with my vulnerable emotions and was in constant fear and doubt. I didn't realize how truly activated my body was all the time. 

After RYS and working intimately with Lorena during our calls, I slowly started to uncover the real me. I started peeling off the old layers and started to finally feel more confident in my own skin. Lorena always held such a safe space for me where I genuinely felt seen and heard in each of our calls. She was able to show me through somatic work and integration, how to process the pain, fear and old wounds. I always left our calls feeling lighter and more grounded. Not only have my health systems drastically improved, I have thoroughly enjoyed being in my own company for the first time. I am not in constant fear or avoidance of myself and my emotions anymore and am ready to face change with curiosity and courage. I finally feel like I'm able to take the next steps in life rather than retreat back into my comfort zone.

I highly recommend anyone to take this course for the soul purpose of deepening your relationship with yourself and gaining the confidence you need in your self concept that will take you beyond what you thought possible. Lorena really knows how to work with each individual to help you change your entire state of being and finally embody your deep sense of self worth. If you are thinking about taking this leap, this is your sign to go for it! You will have no regrets!

Mayra H.

I have developed softness in my way of living, a way of love. To learn to listen to my body and not always be stuck in my mind. To breathe deeply. It was a scary investment, but worth it. 

RYS has taught me a lot about me. About feeling my emotions, about my most inner fears. Lorena held me through them in a compassionate and open way and I’m forever grateful for that. I have developed softness in my way of living, a way of love. To learn to listen to my body and not always be stuck in my mind. To breathe deeply. It was a scary investment, but worth it. I learned so much about myself that when I start to sway back to my old patterns, eventually I return to RYS and surrender, which is something I did not do before. The inner changes are so important. It’s a process, but Lorena is very open and as long as you are too, you will learn a lot about yourself. 

Laura S.

My initial goal was to manifest being a rich and famous, best-selling author. Lorena coached me through the steps that led me to see myself as a writer first, and then take the necessary actions that would lead me to integrating that state into my daily life and therefore, reprogramming my subconscious. I could never have done that with a series of free videos on Youtube or self-help books. If you are serious about changing your self-concept, you need Lorena to expertly guide you to the deep parts of your subconscious to change and accept who you are.

I had been following Lorena on YouTube for a little over a year. I found through a search of videos about Neville Goddard. I only passively listened to her because I was looking for a quick fix to help me get the life I was attempting to manifest. I realized nothing was really changing for me, and I started to doubt the validity of the law of Assumption. Then, I came across her videos again. Lorena spoke of self-concept and digging deeper than just using the usual techniques and methods offered for surface level results. I knew I could not make any real changes without the help of a coach. I had considered using other coaches because there was no time commitment, but as a certified life coach myself, I knew I would need to invest real time and money to see any results. I hadn't even begun to communicate with Lorena, but I was already looking for excuses to not sign up or just put it off.

Lorena was always available via DM on instagram to answer my questions. Even those messages had started to feel like personal coaching. I was pleasantly surprised that the cost was less than I had anticipated. Lorena provides so much content in the RYS program and includes bonus material. That in itself is worth a bundle! I knew it was time for me to really invest in a quality program. I was done trying to find inexpensive or free content that didn't take me where I wanted to be. Lorena is so good at this and she is only getting better! She invests in herself  as well.  She not only coaches but offered meditations and somatic exercises that took me to the deeper parts of my inner being. Just making the decision to commit to the time and effort shifted me out of a rut I was in, as I was transitioning from a teaching career to a writing career. She could see and guide me from where I was holding on to an old identity making it hard for me to accept the new one that I had said I was embracing. 

Anna K.

It felt so good that after the end of the program, I decided to continue working with Lorena. I also can’t forget to mention that I absolutely adore all the practices inside the container and go back to them on a regular basis even after the program is over. Joining RYS truly changed my life and I can’t wait to see what else my future brings.

 Joining the program was the best decision I made this year. Lorena’s teaching and the program structure felt so aligned. It enabled me to move out of the spiral of negative beliefs and anxious thoughts. Shadow work and integration truly opened my eyes and allowed me to love all parts of myself, even the parts I neglected and refused to love before. I felt all of my emotions including suppressed pain, which now is transforming to the indescribable amount of love and joy. I was able to build a relationship with my subconscious, my body and my intuition. Program and coaching calls allowed me to feel at peace with myself and my circumstances. On the calls I felt so heard, so supported I could truly show up as my authentic vulnerable self. There were no topics which I didn’t feel safe to discuss. It felt so good that after the end of the program, I decided to continue working with Lorena. I also can’t forget to mention that I absolutely adore all the practices inside the container and go back to them on a regular basis even after the program is over. Joining RYS truly changed my life and I can’t wait to see what else my future brings.

Gabriella A.

I never thought I was going to fall in love with me, and this process is still not over, but it opened my heart and eyes, and I am able to feel the gratitude for all things already in my reality, and also I am not ashamed of my desires anymore. I don't feel bad for putting up boundaries anymore. I have changed.

Working with Lorena has been wonderful, her capacity to hold space for you can really turn upside down your day. She has been an amazing coach, supporting me in my journey but also giving me tough love when needed. For me, the main shift that occurred through RYS is the way I see myself: worthy of my desires, lovable, and enough as is, even with what I used to think were flaws and parts of me I had to change. Yes, in the end you indeed change yourself, because you accept all parts of you, you start being compassionate towards yourself and that takes away a lot of anxiety and you start seeing the world through a different prospective, and that's when the magic happens.

It is time for the caterpillar to get into the cocoon ... and let the butterfly emerge.

The only thing that is keeping you from the next step of your evolution is you.

You are ready for your rebirth.

And you get to become your future self now.

This is the time to take action, say yes to yourself and choose her. 


*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Recreate Your Self™, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.